Our Definition of Social Justice
Social justice means that all people are valued, affirmed, and treated with respect, dignity, and compassion as we intentionally create a culture of equity, inclusion, and opportunity for all.
We Believe
Our strength is our diversity
We can learn from people who are different from us
We are responsible for others, not just ourselves
We should treat others as we want to be treated
We should protect the rights of marginalized groups
When we see people being mistreated, we should speak up
Social Justice Speaker Series

Mr. Knight Sor
Senior Conciliation Specialist/Peacemaker – U.S. Department of Justice
Mr. Knight Sor speaks on Civil Rights, social justice, and the role of the Department of Justice as it engages in community conflicts arising from differences of race, color, and national origin. He has arranged “hate crime conferences” in multiple locations and initiated dialogue in West Virginia that resulted in the passage of the first Anti-Racial Profiling Law in that state. A naturalized US citizen emigrating from Cambodia in the aftermath of the Viet Nam war, he spent his childhood years in a Khmer Rouge concentration camp.

Ms. Meris Shuwarger
Ms. Meris Shuwarger is an RN with diverse background and experience. The focus of her conversation for this event will be dealing with the health issues faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community, and the specific healthcare strategies nurses can use to provide supportive and meaningful care. Many in the healthcare sector are advocating for greater awareness among staff members; this will be a unique opportunity to learn from an expert in that area. Ms. Shuwarger is a Nurse Team Lead with LevelUpRN.