I decided to pursue nursing after the birth of my middle son. He was born in 2006 with Prune Belly Syndrome. After his birth, my whole life was consumed with medical procedures and medical professionals. He has had some great doctors and nurses over the years and some not-so-great ones. This whole experience inspired me to go into healthcare. On top of learning many medications and procedures, I have learned what it takes to advocate for my son. My son is now 15 and doesn't need me to 'nurse' him 24/7 anymore, so I decided it was time to put all my informal training to good use!
I researched all the local nursing programs when I decided to go back to school. The 1-year Practical Nursing program that Hondros College of Nursing offered fit my life perfectly. Due to my son's fragile medical condition, I didn't want to obligate myself to a 2–4-year program.
To those considering nursing, do it! It's not going to be easy, and it takes a lot of dedication to do well, but it's very worth it!
Lindsey Gibbs is a student in the Practical Nursing program at our Akron campus. She currently works at Aultman Woodlawn.