I have always been one to comfort and have compassion for others. I used to play doctor and nurse when I was little. As I grew up and went through school, I ended up going to Patterson Co-op High in downtown Dayton. There I got my first real taste of medicine. When I took nursing my sophomore year, I excelled. I worked at Stillwater Health Center through my high school tenure. I was a workhorse. I also worked at American Nursing Care and several nursing homes, then I attended MVCTC and received my LPN. I have a learning disability, but it was not recognized until later in life. I did not let it stop me even though many educators gave up on me. My aunt who was a teacher recognized it, she worked with me to help push me forward with nursing. My Godmother saw the same in me and has continually pushed me toward success and continues to provide words of encouragement to this day. She prays for me daily on this journey. I hope someday to be just like her.
Nursing is in my blood and I get to be an innovator in this field. I want to bring back some of the "old school" nursing where the bedside meant something and your patients felt your compassion and advocacy.
NEVER GIVE UP! It is true, you can be anything you want. Stay true to the course, prayerful, and confident. I have multiple illnesses and disabilities, but I no longer live like I do. I had to have a “go get it” attitude, I had to put people, and certain things, in my life on hold so that I would have no interruptions.
Tammy George is a student in the Associate Degree in Nursing program at our Fairborn campus. She currently works for Caring 4 You Home Health Care in Dayton.